SIEM, IPS, Server Monitoring, Uptime Monitoring and Compliance Software
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Performance Counter Monitor Template

The Performance Counter Monitor Template enables you to monitor Windows Performance Counters (e.g. CPU). This template is typically used by systems administrators to monitor operating system and application server performance on Windows hosts. The Performance Counter Monitor Template uses WMI to query performance counters.

How to configure the Performance Counter Monitor Template:

  • From the Menu Bar, select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
  • From the Create New Object View, expand Templates | Windows Monitors then select Performance Counter Monitor. The New Template Properties View displays.
  • The Template Properties view contains 4 tabs.

The Options Tab

  • Use the Windows server or workstation drop-down to select the Windows host you would like to monitor.
    Information Once selected, the host is automatically assigned to this template.
  • Use the Category drop-down to select the performance counter category (e.g. Processor).
    Alert When first dropped down, the drop-down asynchronously queries the selected host for the available categories. The drop-down contents may take a moment to display.
  • Use the Instance drop-down to select the category instance (e.g. % Processor Time).
    Alert When first dropped down, the drop-down asynchronously queries the selected host for the available category instances. The drop-down contents may take a moment to display.
  • Use the Counter drop-down to select the category instance counter (e.g. _Total).
    Alert When first dropped down, the drop-down asynchronously queries the selected host for the available category instance counters. The drop-down contents may take a moment to display.
  • Once the counter is selected, click the Load Current Value button to query the current counter value then populate the trigger threshold value text boxes with the current value.
  • Use the Warning trigger and Critical trigger controls to set the counter trigger thresholds.
    Alert Be sure to increase or decrease the loaded values accordingly, otherwise, the first time the monitor executes, it will likely trigger.
  • Click the Test button to verify the template is configured property and the monitor executes as expected.
  • Finally, select the General Tab, then click the click the Auto-Generate Name Auto-Generate Name Button button to auto-generate a name based on the configured settings.

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Windows Monitor Templates