SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
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Disconnect RDP Session Actions

Disconnect RDP Session Actions enable Network Administrators to automatically disconnect or log off idle RDP sessions or those transferring large amounts of data. This action is typically used to free up idle RDP sessions and disconnect suspicious connections that may indicate attempts to steal corporate data for corporate espionage

In this Topic

Video Tutorial

How to Automatically Disconnect Idle RPD Sessions and Report on all Network-Wide RPD Sessions

To Create a RDP Disconnect Action

  • From the Menu Bar select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
  • Select Alerts and Actions. The New Action view displays.
  • Use the Name text box to specify a unique name.
  • From the Type drop-down select Disconnect RDP Session.


    Use the Logoff checkbox to disconnect then logoff the session, otherwise the session is only disconnected.
LogoffEnds the session, closes any running applications, and creates a new session the next time you log in.
DisconnectLeaves the session running, allowing you to reconnect later without closing applications.
Disconnect RDP Session Action Properties
Disconnect RDP Session Action Properties

To Assign to a RDP Monitor Template

When setting up a RDP Monitor Template, assign the action to either the Warning or Critical triggers.

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