SIEM, Log Management, Security, Compliance, Server Monitoring and Uptime Monitoring Software
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Host Agent Properties

The Host Agent Properties view enables you to manually install the Agent on managed hosts, enable or disable automatic Agent Installation, and configure the Agent connection settings and schedule.

To configure a host's Agent Properties

  • From the Explorer View, navigate to the Host you want to view or modify then right-click and select Host Properties. The Host Properties view displays.
  • Select the Agent Tab.
  • If the Agent has not yet been installed, this view displays the Install Agent button, otherwise the version of Agent that is installed is listed. If the installed version is less than the current version, this view displays the Update Agent button.
Windows:If configuring a Windows host, use this button to utilize Remove WMI and Windows Shares to remotely install the Agent. Once installed, the Windows Agent automatically downloads new versions using the Corner Bowl Server Manager application layer protocol stack then automatically installs the update without any user intervension.
Linux:If configuring a Linux server, and you have already configured SSH for this server, use this button to utilize SSH to install the Agent. Once installed, the Linux Agent must be manually upated each time Server Manager is updated.
  • Use the Automatically install the agent... checkbox to automatically attempt to install the agent when any Templa
  • Use the Auto-Update checkbox to automatically update the Agent when running an older version.
  • Use the Keep-Alive checkbox to configure managed hosts to remain connected the entire time they are powered.
To query remotely managed hosts when configuring Templates such as Windows Service Monitor Templates, this option must be set, otherwise, you may receive an RPC server unavailable or other error depending on the type of Template you are configuring. Once configured, you can optionally disable this setting.
  • If you have disabled the Keep-Alive option, use the Agent connect schedule to override the default connection schedule, which is once a minute, then specify the schedule or frequency you would like Agent to re-connect (e.g. Every 5 minutes).
Host Agent Properties
Host Agent Properties

Related Topics

Host Properties

Batch Update Hosts

Agent Server