SIEM, Log Management, Security, Compliance, Server Monitoring and Uptime Monitoring Software
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Artificial Intelligence Reports

Corner Bowl Server Manager includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reports that enable you to scan consolidated logs for anomalous activitives. AI is implemented using Microsoft's cross platform machine learning framework called ML.NET.

AI Anomaly Detection (SIEM)Merges different log types into a single AI Anomaly Detection Report. Detect anomalous activitives in consolidated logs (e.g. Flag users that logon outside of their typical working hours).
AI Anomaly Detection (Event Log)Detect anomalous activitives in consolidated Event Logs (e.g. Flag users that logon outside of their typical working hours).
AI Anomaly Detection (Graph Audit Log)Detect anomalous activitives in consolidated Azure Entra ID Logs (e.g. Flag users that logon outside of their typical working hours).
AI Anomaly Detection (Syslog)Detect anomalous activitives in consolidated Syslogs (e.g. Flag possible attacking IPs).
AI Anomaly Detection (Text Log)Detect anomalous activitives in consolidated Text, CSV and W3C logs (e.g. Flag possible attacking IPs).
AI Anomaly Detection (Template Triggers)Detect Template Trigger densities (e.g. Flag times of the day which heavy load is experienced).

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